Aug 27, 2015
August explores sexy perks of a plant-based diet and interviews Lynn Brown Rosenberg, author of the memoir My Sexual Awakening at 70. Sexiness doesn't have to fade with...
Aug 20, 2015
August interviews Dr. Brandy Engler, a sex and relationship therapist. Her book, The Women on My Couch, features stories about women and the questions and challenges they commonly raise in...
Aug 13, 2015
August McLaughlin interviews actress Sophie Ullett on healing from sexual abuse and slut-shaming—why it happens and how we can stop it. Sex educator Kait Scalisi, MPH answers a question from a listener who loves sexting, but whose boyfriend is feels it's risky. You'll also hear a teaser from UnSlut: A Documentary...
Aug 6, 2015
Many people believe that disability ends a person's sex life, but that's far from the case. August interviews Robin Wilson-Beattie, a nationally recognized disability advocate on her experience, common related myths and more. Then Coco Brown, the first adult star turned astronaut, calls in. Her bravery is literally